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Lost & Found


You can register your child(ren) for Lost & Found by clicking here: LOST & FOUND REGISTRATION

  • Once you click the registration link above, you’ll be taken to a new page. Click “Next” there, and then follow the prompts. The form is not complete until you sign your name and click “submit”.


Lost and Found is our mid-week discipleship program during the school year for children four-years-old through sixth grade.

We will kick-off Lost & Found on September 11th this year.

  • NOTE: Children who turn 4 between October and December will be asked to participate beginning in the the second semester which begins in January 2025.

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., we have age-graded groups for children. Those groups use the New City Catechism, which teaches children key biblical doctrines through a system of questions and answers. This year we will also learn about the attriibutes of God and a Hero of the Faith.

Each Wednesday, groups rotate through large group, small group, Bible, and game times. And over the course of the year, children are given an opportunity to memorize passages and catechism questions to imprint God’s Word upon their hearts.


To access current, or previous, weekly take-home pages (which include important information about memory verses, catechism questions, schedules, etc.), click the blue button below. It will take you to a Google Drive folder.

January 19

Youth Group

January 29

Care Communities Training