Help a sister church reach their community this summer!

At Christ’s Covenant Church, we are united with a larger family of churches called Sovereign Grace Churches. This unity is not only one where we share resources and theology, but where we desire to be connected in partnership, fellowship, and worship. Each year, our sister church up in Toronto holds a week-long outreach day camp for kids in their area. Many of the members of their church are particularly gifted in music, so they offer fun, musical training to local elementary age kids. In 2022, we would like to partner with them once again and help them reach their community with Christ.

  • Dates: July 9-16th (Saturday- Saturday)

  • Cost: $60 per person

  • Who can attend: any member (or child of member) 15 years or older. Ed Teune went when he was 70! You do not have to be gifted in music at all. At the moment, the Canadian government is requiring everyone who crosses the border to show proof of vaccinations.

  • Logistics: Adam and Claire Penird will be leading our group, and the team will drive up together in a rental van. Families from Sovereign Grace Toronto will be hosting us in their homes. Most meals will be provided by the host, but the group will likely go out to eat one night and will be eating out on the car ride up.

  • How to Register: Fill out the Google Form below by June 9th.

  • Questions? Contact the church office at